If you are involved in business at any level, you will definitely be familiar with the term ISO. In this blog, we are going to throw light on this much discussed term ISO and its concept. Let us understand what ISO certification is and why it is important for any business.
We cannot deny the importance of international standards in maintaining balance, consistency, and quality in the worldwide market. Furthermore, without these standards, doing business easily between different countries will be difficult. If every country starts working according to its own standards, a kind of chaos will spread. In addition, global standards support the preservation of fair competition for all kinds of business.
What is ISO Certification?
First of all, let us tell you that the word ISO stands for ‘International Organization for Standardization.’ Additionally, civil engineers founded the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1946. Moreover, the idea of having a uniform set of standards for a particular subject, with the aim of achieving consensus among different European countries, originated from 25 civil engineers. Furthermore, over time, ISO has expanded beyond its foundations in civil engineering. Today, more than 30,000 specific ISO standards exist, covering a wide range of topics such as food safety, quality, manufacturing standards, information security, pharmaceuticals, and more.
ISO is an independent international organization. These standards are a list of guidelines related to company operating procedures and management systems that companies must follow to achieve the desired certification.
In many aspects of industry, ISO certifications are important. Its scope includes everything from industry to education and hospitality. Each certification has different requirements and criteria.
These standards keep being updated and modified from time to time.
As needed, ISO certification standards are also periodically updated and modified. Any business seeking to receive a certificate must apply in accordance with the updated eligibility upon standards changes.
You might wonder how to find out about the most recent revisions to the ISO standard. ISO itself continues to update about these modifications. Moreover, there are a plethora of other websites and platforms available on the Internet that provide trustworthy information regarding ISO standards. These standards cover various areas such as food safety, quality, manufacturing standards, information security, pharmaceuticals, and more.
For whom is ISO appropriate?
ISO standards are designed to be applicable to a wide range of people or organization including:
- Government Agencies
- Businesses and Organizations
- Consumers and Customers
- Employees and Workers
- Regulatory Bodies and Standards Organizations
- Research and Academic Institutions
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Suppliers and Manufacturers
Is ISO irrelevant to us as we don't manufacture anything?
No. There will be a standard to meet a broad range of needs because there are so many different standards available.
Which ISO standards are most frequently used?
Thousands of international standards are created by ISO that cover many industries. The following are some of the most commonly used ISO certification standards.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
ISO 9001 is the fundamental standard that all organizations must have. This standard has been updated in 2015. ISO 9001 certification provides assurance to customers that you have established a quality management system in your business based on the seven quality management principles of ISO 9001.
ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system (EMS)
ISO 14001 provides a framework for companies to ensure compliance with environmental performance requirements. When combined with other quality management standards like ISO 9001, this standard performs better.
ISO 45001 : 2018 Occupational Health Management System
ISO 45001 helps organizations protect the health and well-being of their employees and improve their OH&S performance.It helps organizations demonstrate their commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all stakeholders.
ISO 27001:2022 Information Security
ISO 27001 is recognized worldwide as the standard for information security management.This standard is used globally to ensure the security, confidentiality and availability of sensitive information.This certification builds confidence within customers, partners and other stakeholders that the company is serious about information security.
ISO 22000 : 2018 Food safety management systems (FSMS)
All organizations directly or indirectly involved in the food value chain are required to acquire ISO 22000. This certificate outlines food safety and the control of food safety hazards. The core components of ISO 9001, the standard for quality management systems, are included in this standard.
What things should be kept in mind before ISO certification?
Before starting the process of becoming certified in ISO, you must know about the following requirements:
- Select the type of ISO certificate
There are many types of ISO certifications. Therefore, first choose the type of ISO certificate required for your business.
- Selecting a Competent ISO Certification Organization
It is important for you to know that certification is performed by external organizations other than ISO. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a recognized certification organization.
What are the benefits of ISO certification?
Businesses get a variety of benefits from ISO certification, some of which include below:
1. Customer Satisfaction
ISO standards make your company’s processes more transparent and quality compliant. This helps you focus on meeting customer needs through the provision of services and goods. As a result, customer satisfaction will increase and you will be able to strengthen your position in the market.
2. Expanding global acceptance
ISO is an organization known for high quality standards. That is why getting ISO certified accreditation makes it easier for your business to be recognized and recognized globally.
3. Best Business Solutions
There is a positive change in the quality and effectiveness of the product after obtaining ISO certification. As a result, cost reduction is visible and customer satisfaction increases. All these characteristics will open new doors of success for your business.
4.Stability in quality and increase in efficiency
In order to comply with ISO you know what is expected of you as a company and what rules you are required to follow in order to complete the processes. It helps in preventing repetition, identifying process problems and taking effective steps to resolve them.
How much does it cost for ISO certification in India?
A definite answer to this question cannot be given because in India, the cost of ISO certification varies depending on the organization. The following several factors are taken into account by the ISO certification authority while calculating the cost:
- An organization’s size
- The quantity of workers
- Organizational Processes
- Risk level related to the organization’s service offering
- The management system’s intricacy
- The quantity of shifts worked
- The cost of obtaining ISO certification
In conclusion, a simple answer to the question ‘ ‘What is ISO Certification’ ‘ is that the standardization done by ISO is a key factor in shaping industries and ensuring global compatibility, efficiency and safety. Implementing ISO standards not only increases trust in your business or product among stakeholders but also demonstrates a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.